Tuesday, October 23, 2007

NAMBLA Ecstatic: Dumbledore is Gay

October 23, 2007 - NAMBLA has released the following statement:

"We are delighted that J.K Rowling has confirmed the homosexuality of the character Albus Dumbledore in her Harry Potter series. We here at NAMBLA, of course, had already known this to be true. However, it is unfortunate that Ms. Rowling did not confirm the equally obvious Man-Boy love relationship between Dumbledore and Harry Potter. We urge her to find the courage to go on record on this matter as well. It would be a great support to our cause."

When questioned on this statement, an anonymous NAMBLA member had this to say:

"Please, it is SO obvious. Magic wands? Phallic imagery, hullo! Chamber of secrets, wonder what that could be? Come on, even you should see the metaphor in having Harry Potter living "in the closet" until after he goes to Hogwarts and meets Dumbledore. Geez, did you even read the books?"

Ms. Rowling's people had no comment when contacted. However, there is an unconfirmed report that NAMBLA members have all mysteriously broken out with Pustulating Pustules Pox. Or some such thing.